

Peace, love, and mathematics.

Hi, I'm Angela!  I have studied mathematics at the undergraduate and graduate level, culminating in a B.S., M.S., and PhD in Mathematics.  

I have worked as a private math tutor for student athletes, university students, and 8th - 12th graders.  An empath by nature, I am inevitably highly invested in my students and their educational experiences.  I seek out and create supplemental material for tutoring sessions, puzzles to leave with them before long breaks, and occasional pep talks for their discouraging moments.  When I work with students, I see more than just the math course they are currently enrolled in.  I see their future math trajectory, including standardized tests and transition to college-level mathematics.

As I grew closer and closer to finishing my PhD I began to realize that I would one day leave my local students.  It compelled me to create some sort of resource guide for them as they continue along their own mathematical journeys.  I wanted to leave tips, tools, scholarship opportunities, and the occasional pep talk for them to withstand whatever math challenge comes next!  

I admire the phenomenal parents I have worked with.  Their dedication is evident as they seek out all possible resources for their children, especially as it pertains to math.  My understanding of the university professor perspective, middle- and high-school educator perspective, and the perspectives of parents caught in between inspired me to generate a special collection of resources to help bridge the gaps between the goals of each.  While there are exponentially many paths to success, I intend to share my experiences and resources as best I can.

I hope this site shares a few strategies for navigating the joyous, yet  sometimes confusing, landscape of mathematics.  I also hope the budding mathematicians out there get a glimpse of research life and are inspired to persevere.  I wish you all peace, love, and mathematics!